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CEO & Founder
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Parkison Movement Professional Senior Care Agency


Years Of Experience

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About Parkinson's

Parkinson’s disease is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system.  This makes it a movement disorder that causes symptoms such as bradykinesia (slowness), tremors, stiffness, and postural instability that could lead to falls. Cognitive and behavioral problems may also occur in many people with PD such as depression, anxiety, and apathy.  Problems with sleep and sensory systems can be evident as well.  Dementia does become common in the advanced stages of the disease. 

The death of cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain, leads to motor symptoms due to a dopamine deficit.

The cause of PD is unknown and at present, there is no cure.  Those who have family members with the disease are at an increased risk, with certain genes known to be inheritable risk factors.  Other risk factors are those who have been exposed to certain pesticides and/or who have prior head injuries.  No treatments have been proven to change the course of the disease; however, many people with Parkinson’s can improve their symptoms and quality of life with effective treatment options.  The aim of treatment is to reduce the effects of the symptoms, usually beginning with the medications levodopa, MAO-B inhibitors, or dopamine agonists.  Diet and certain forms of rehabilitation have shown some effectiveness at improving symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms

Parkinson’s disease typically occurs in people over the age of 60 with more males being affected than females at a ratio around 3:2.  The average life expectancy following diagnosis is between 7 and 15 years.  Symptoms and severity can vary widely along with treatments.  Guidelines for treatments are based on the symptoms and the severity of the symptoms, the length of time they’ve had Parkinson’s, and other health conditions or medications they use. 

Exercise can help everyone stay healthy and feel their best. For people with Parkinson’s, exercise offers important additional benefits. Getting regular exercise can reduce motor symptoms of Parkinson’s, slow the progression of the disease, and improve mood. A regular exercise routine can also help protect against the development of Parkinson’s in those who may be at risk.  Most types of exercise can be adapted to accommodate those with Parkinson’s.

People with any stage or severity of Parkinson’s Disease can benefit from exercise. Doctors and researchers agree that the more exercise you do, the more benefit you will receive from the activity. Research also indicates that the more intensely you exercise, the better. Your heart rate should increase and you should be breathing hard.

An article published in 2014 studied exercise in 4,866 people with Parkinson’s Disease. After one year, participants who exercised regularly showed better quality of life, less cognitive decline, improved mobility, function, and mood, and fewer burdens for caregivers.


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Trusted & Experience Senior Care Provider

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Best Trusted Senior Care

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Best Trusted Senior Care

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Jon S. Svendsen
CEO & Founder
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Jon S. Svendsen
CEO & Founder
Our Testimonials

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Jon S. Svendsen
CEO & Founder
Exclusive Team

We Have A Professional Team Members

Steven J. Doyle

Medical Specialist

Patrick Spellman

Medical Specialist

Oliver Stinson

Medical Specialist

Mick Colorina

Medical Specialist

Events & Programs

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April 13, 2022
Event 3
April 13, 2022
Event 6
April 13, 2022
Event 2
April 13, 2022
Event 8
April 13, 2022
Event 5
April 13, 2022
Event 1
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